May 2015

  • May 15, Lewiston, ME: Lewiston-Auburn Area Healthcare Is a Human Right Workshop
  • May 29 – 31, New York City: Left Forum, where Put People First! PA, the Vermont Workers’ Center and NESRI will present on HCHR campaigns and state-level universal health care financing
  • June 1 – 13, Belhaven, NC, to Washington, DC: March to save rural hospitals
  • June 4, Baltimore: National Conference for Worker Safety and Health, where NESRI, Labor for Single Payer, and other allies will discuss integration of workers’ compensation into universal, publicly financed health care
  • June 24 – 25, Philadelphia: Healthcare Is a Human Right cross-state campaign convergence!
  • July 30 – August 2, nationwide: Healthcare-NOW! and National Nurses United are helping to coordinate locally led regional actions to mark the 50th anniversary of Medicare
Posted in Events.