Movement Building

Democratic grassroots movements led by those most impacted by injustice are key to social change. In order to create a just economy and society that enables everyone to meet their fundamental needs and live with dignity, our movement must be much bigger than any one campaign, organization or constituency. Guided by a shared vision grounded in principles and sustained by mutual learning and collaborative initiatives, HCHR campaigns build long-term relationships that unite people and groups across divisions and challenge oppression at all levels. The following resources offer strategic and tactical lessons learned from efforts to build a Healthcare Is a Human Right movement as part of a broader human rights movement.

Building a Healthcare Is a Human Right Movement

Building a Broad Human Rights Movement

  • Vermont Declaration of Human Rights:  Vermont’s People’s Convention for Human Rights, held in September 2012 with over 40 participating organizations, adopted this declaration of human rights, which outlines the current human rights crisis, its root causes, and a vision for realizing human rights.
  • The People’s Recipe:  This fact sheet lists the ingredients fundamental to the Vermont Workers’ Center’s Healthcare Is a Human Right model, which has since been adapted and adopted by the HCHR Collaborative.
  • Community Voices on Causes and Solutions of the Human Rights Crisis in the United States:  This report summarizes the discussions and conclusions at two community-based human rights convenings, at which a broad range of grassroots organizations developed a critical analysis of the human rights crisis in the United States, defined common goals, and identified common strategies.
  • A Strategic Vision for the Human Rights at Home Campaign:  This statement was created by a grassroots coalition to describe a collective vision for a society guided by human rights. It describes how human rights arise from people’s struggles for justice, how governments are accountable for upholding human rights, how principles must guide struggles, and how a human rights vision builds unity among people and communities.