Toward Justice in Health Care

Ali Mann   |   Maine Workers

Date published: September 1, 2013

In April, we co-sponsored with the Portland NAACP, “Toward Justice in Health Care: A Community Dialogue on Human Rights, Health Care, and the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” This event brought over 70 people together to talk about health and health care disparities. People shared their stories and made commitments to help make a human rights-based health care system a reality in Maine.
Statistics show us that too many people in Maine and across the country are without any or enough health care coverage. What we’ve learned through events like this is that those numbers don’t come close to showing the true cost of our health care system. Every person we talk to has a powerful story about their struggles to get safe, comprehensive, respectful care that they can afford. We are learning that we all have a stake in creating a different system that values our human rights.
There are many ways to be part of building the strong movement required for winning this campaign. Our growing and inspired group of dedicated volunteers will continue collecting surveys, having conversations with co-workers, attending rallies, speaking at the capital, organizing events, and so much more.
Today, we are inviting you to contribute. Please make a financial donation to the Southern Maine Workers’ Center so that we can continue this vital work. With your support we will make health care an honored human right in Maine.