RELEASE: Universal healthcare supporters to fill the statehouse and request public hearings on healthcare financing

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Date published: January 7, 2015

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Contact: Keith Brunner, 802.363.9615,

Universal healthcare supporters to fill the statehouse and request public hearings on healthcare financing

MONTPELIER – Hundreds of people from across the state are coming to Montpelier tomorrow to fill the halls of the Vermont statehouse and call on elected representatives to respect Act 48, which commits the state to move toward a universal, publicly financed healthcare system. Specifically, the Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign will be asking the Vermont Legislature to take up Governor Peter Shumlin’s financing proposal and hold a public hearing.

“We are asking our legislators to engage in a transparent and participatory review of the governor’s healthcare financing proposal, and thus restore the democratic process set out under Act 48,” said Ellen Schwartz, president of the Vermont Workers’ Center. “Anyone who has not yet closely examined the governor’s report is in for a surprise,” said Schwartz, “because even according to his own assumptions, universal healthcare is not only economically feasible but would lead to higher net incomes for 9 in 10 families. We believe this is worth a serious discussion in the legislature, especially in this time of economic crisis.”

The campaign will be issuing a statement for legislators, calling for a transparent democratic process to move toward universal healthcare, as set out under Act 48.

Day of Action Events:

10am – Noon People’s State of the State: A Vermont Human Rights Council Speakout at Christ Episcopal Church, 64 State Street in Montpelier

Noon – Solidarity with Homelessness Awareness Day and Memorial Vigil (Statehouse Steps)

1:00 – Statehouse rally