What to expect from the coming Republican attacks on health care
November 18, 2016 | nesri.org
Hard-right Republicans have taken over all branches of government and are pledging to repeal the Affordable Care Act and privatize and cut Medicare, Medicaid and other public health programs. Here's what to expect.Letter to the editor: Livid about health care greed
November 16, 2016 | York Dispatch
Highmark’s withdrawal of their ACA plans from the York Market has me livid. Greedy profiteering on a nation's health care needs is utterly immoral and unacceptable.#TreatNotTrick action in Philadelphia
October 31, 2016 | PPF-PA
PPF-PA worked with SNaHP to lead this #TrickNotTreat action on HalloweenReflecting on My First PPF-PA Membership Assembly
October 5, 2016 | PPF-PA
Put People First! PA member Farrah Samuels reflects on her first Membership Assembly.Archive
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